Monday, November 15, 2010

London School of Economics: The Alternative Investments Conference

Student conference on Hedge Funds and Private Euity

January 24-25, 2011
Marriot London Grosvenor Square

We are delighted to introduce the fifth edition of the LSE Alternative Investments Conference (AIC).

The 2011 LSE AIC promises to provide a dynamic forum for education and networking between leading luminaries from the hedge fund and private equity industries and the brightest students -- from undergraduates to PhD candidates -- who travel from as far afield as China and California.

Jointly organised by the LSEsu Alternative Investments Society and the LSE Financial Markets Group, the AIC combines the academic excellence of its namesake institution -- the LSE -- with the professionalism and prestige of the attending industry professionals and student delegates.

Competition for a seat at the Conference is fierce. In 2010, we received over 2,200 applications for 350 seats and we expect higher application figures for the 2011 Conference.

We are most grateful to all of our speakers and sponsors -- both new and returning -- without whom the event would not be possible.

Conference planning begins many months before the event itself. Team AIC has been hard at work not long after the success of last year's Conference and we would like to thank all of the team members for the long hours and enthusiasm put into the organising process.

It is our hope that you will emerge from this unique two-day Conference with an understanding of and an excitement about the hedge fund and private equity industries. We hope to offer an exceptional educational and networking experience with the idea that -- as the next generation of business leaders -- this Conference can be a positive force in shaping your future career in this industry.

More information here.

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